Corallus hortulanus has a large distribution area; a large part of Southern America including the basin of the Amazon river. in such a large distribution area there are climatological differences. Compare for example, the latitude of the northern part of the distribution area with the southern part. The effects of the ocean on the climate is larger on the coast then in the inland.
Corallus hortulanus lives from sea-level up to 1500 metres.
The height has also consequences for the day and night-time temperature.

Climate graph:
The diagram shows the temperature and rainfall in Manaus which is a large city in the Amazon basin:
Temperature: The daytime temperature varies only 1.5 degrees over the months. The graph doesn’t show the temperature drop during the night. This can be significantly especially in regions high above sea-level.
Humidity: August, September and October are significant dryer then the other months.
My settings:
Temperature: the daytime temperature at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. At night the temperature drops to 20 degrees in summer and as low as 16 degrees in winter.
Humidity: I spray my animals frequently after the lights gone out. Due to the plants the humidity stays high for a longer period of time. Offspring Corallus is kept moist over the first year.
Lights are on from 05.00 till 18.00 o’clock

Henderson describes in his book that Corallus hortulanus was found in bushes and trees on a height of less than a metre up to 20 metres. Most animals where found on a height between one and five metres. He found them in uncultivated woods, but also in cultivated tree gardens especially mango trees. Henderson gives a possible explanation for this preference: Mango trees have an open structure with large leaves giving the snakes the opportunity to hunt for bats and birds on the outside of the trees under enough cover of the large leaves. The mangos attracts birds and insects (and insects attracts birds and bats).
I incorporated these findings in the housing: all snakes have high places for shelter with lot of leaves. I never approach them from above but always from the front.