Category: Logbook

Bogertophis subocularis 2022

My unrelated “blond phase” couple was born in October/November 2012. I bought them in March 2013.

January – March 2022:

The adult snakes go into winter-rest from November until March.

  • Early October 2021; last feeding
  • Early November; heating off. Temperature down to 18 degrees Celsius
  • Late December;  into winter-rest in a small (darkened) terrarium at a temperature of 10-13 degrees Celsius.
  • Mid January; temperature back to 18 degrees.
  • First of March; heating on. Temperature back to normal.
  • March 9; first feeding

April – June 2022:

I keep my snakes in separate terrariums and only put them together during the mating season.

  • Male introduced to the female from May 31 until June 20
  • Mating (attempts) observed on four occasions.
  • Male again introduced from June 24 until July 3
  • One mating observed

I decided to put my offspring 2021 on sale.

July – September 2022:

After being separated from the male the female accepted food twice.

  • Her last meal (two adult mice) was on July 2.
  • July 25 (56 days after the first mating) she laid 11 eggs in a box with moist sphagnum (that’s what caused the brown markings). The size of the eggs is approximately 4,4 * 3,5 cm.
  • The eggs are inside the incubator at a temperature of 29 degrees Celsius.
  • The incubation-period is about 78 days. Juveniles should hatch around October 11.

Corallus caninus 2022

I bought my unrelated 1.2 Corallus caninus as juveniles early 2016.
The male is German captive bred and born in November 2015. The females are Dutch captive bred and born in December 2015.

The first breeding attempt was in February 2021; I introduced one of the females to the male. Within minutes the male was interested in her but she was not amused, tried to escape from the terrarium and went eventually down to the floor and stayed there. She even tried to dig herself in. I separated the two the next morning.

After a few days I introduced the other female to the male. This female showed exactly the same behaviour. I separated them too and will wait a while with the next attempt; The females are five years and two months old but clearly still to young to breed with..

January – March 2022:

My animals are 6 years old now. Time for a new breeding attempt.. Probably the females where too young (5 years old at that time) or maybe I introduced the male too late in the mating season?
I introduced the male to the biggest female in December 2021. At the same time I dropped the night temperature during a period of three weeks and I increased the misting.
On the first night of the year I saw a breeding attempt. That’s the way to start a new year…

April – June 2022:

No further matings observed. The female kept eating weekly over the last six months and no change in behaviour observed. I don’t expect her to be pregnant.

Corallus hortulanus 2022

Corallus hortulanus is my favourite species. I bought my first captive bred juveniles in 1997 and I kept CHH in my collection ever since.

January – March 2022:

I decided to breed this year with two unrelated couples of Corallus hortulanus.


I observed. since the middle of December 2021, several matings from both couples.

April – June 2022:

Unexpectedly I lost one of the pregnant females on the 10th of May. She took her last prey on March 1. After that she refused the food that I offered her. That didn’t worry me because she was in the hot spot a lot and her belly started to grow. All signs of a pregnancy.

No idea what caused her death.. She was 12 years old, born in September 2009 and I bought her a month later at Snakeday 2009. She had several litters before.

July – September 2022:

The second female I wanted to breed with this year is pregnant. The colour of her skin darkened over the months. (see the difference with the picture taken during mating (the one upper right) and she is in the hot spot constantly.

It is now the beginning of August and she still accepts small preys. I expect her to give birth somewhere in September.

Gonyosoma oxycephalum 2022

It took me years, but in 2010 I was able to buy my first couple of captive bred Gonyosoma oxycephalum.
At the moment I have one male (May 2018) and two females (January 2010 and November 2018).

January – March 2022:

The 2010 female had a litter of 4 eggs on December 30. The eggs are lying in moist sphagnum in the incubator at 29 degrees Celsius.

On March 24 the same female laid another seven eggs including an infertile one. She has been separated from the male since December 12 last year so if these eggs are fertile they must have been fertilized with sperm from earlier matings.

April – June 2022:

On April 8, after 99 days in the incubator all four eggs from the December litter hatched. All four look good and are relatively large in size.

On May 12 another mating was observed.


July – September 2022:

On July first the 2010 female laid a litter of three eggs. One was infertile and was removed from the incubator a few days later.

Between July 5 and July 8 (after 103 – 106 days) three juvenile hatched from the seven eggs litter. Two other eggs had a full-grown but dead youngster and the last two eggs were infertile. One of the juvenile died after a seven days. The other two are doing well.

Much to my surprise the 2010 female laid another litter of three good looking eggs on July 15..

Lamprophis aurora 2022

Lamprophis aurora was on my wishing list for ages before I was able to buy this unrelated couple at the Snakeday 2012.
It’s a (nice) challenge to get the juvenile starting to eat.

April – June 2022:

I introduced the male to the female from March 29. I removed the male again on May 1 after concluding that the female was pregnant.

A box with moist sphagnum was placed inside her terrarium. She explored the box with much interest and on May 14 she laid 10 eggs. One egg was infertile and another six eggs turned out to be infertile after a week in the incubator. The other three eggs looked okay.

July – September:

Early July I removed one of the eggs because it was shrivelled.
Two juveniles hatched from the remaining eggs on July 6. Their length is approximately 11 centimetres and they weight 3 grams.

Two weeks later one of them after shedding accepted the first feeding I offered!